Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Freedom and Business

Freedom is a funny thing. We love to have it. Many have died for it. We take pride in it. Oh yes, we Americans sure do love freedom... until someone does something crazy like... oh, I dunno, exercise it.
Last week it was Hobby Lobby, and this week it's CostCo.
Honestly, it didn't surprise me that the Hobby Lobby court case caused a huge uproar. It's *REALLY* easy to make Democrats cry victim. Somehow their refusal to cover certain contraceptives translated into them denying contraceptives to their employees. Which, let's just back up for a quick minute here. I'm NOT going to buy you a new car. Ever. Does that mean I am denying you the "right" to own a car? No. It means I'm not giving it to you, go buy your own. Problem solved. For some reason this big chunk of the population is sadly under the impression that 1. contraceptives are a human right, and that 2. everything in the world should be given to you. Neither of which are true. So, Hobby Lobby is no longer forced under Obamacare to provide "contraceptives" that interfere with the progression of an already fertilized egg- such as the plan B pill, but they still provide 16 out of 20 available methods of birth control. Go them. Not to mention their employees are treated very well and paid more than most retail jobs. Go ahead, liberals, cry that you might have to pay for your own abortions. *eyeroll* Yeesh, if you don't like the terms of employment- work for a different company! Find work elsewhere. If it's SUPER important to you that your employer provide you the morning after pill every time you screw up then work for one who does. It's really that simple. And if you're all in a tizzy that Hobby Lobby can't do this because it's none of their business... guess what? Your healthcare is none of their business, either. They don't have to provide ANY insurance, but they do. For a company that large they;d be better off paying the fees/ taxes and not providing any at all, but that's not what they did because they're not assholes.
What DID surprise me a bit here recently is that CostCo pulled a book with conservative views from the shelves and Republicans freaked out about it. Um. What? A business has a right to sell or not sell any product they want. Again, CostCo not selling XYZ book is NOT censorship. It's a business deciding they don't want to stock something because of sales, morals, or any slew of reasons. Guess what? In my storefront I refuse to carry poor quality crappy dog foods like Purina, Iams, and Pedigree. I, as the business owner, have made that decision- that products that don't meet *MY* standard in quality won't have a space on our shelves. I have a right to do that. I am in no way infringing on your right to buy whatever the heck you want, you will just have to go to another store to poison your animal. CostCo can choose to carry or not carry whatever they want. I see people commenting how they're going to boycott CostCo and go sign up for Sam's Club. Because, you know, the sister company to Wal Mart in NO WAY presents moral and ethical conflicts of their own. CostCo treats their employees well (overall rated one of the best companies to work for) and presents reasonable prices on quality products. Plus, their bacon is freaking delicious. Whether them pulling the book actually had to do with sales, or if it was the head honcho's bias that led to it- it doesn't matter. All these people crying censorship and complaining about their rights are idiots. Id. I. Ots.

I'm sure as heck not boycotting Hobby Lobby for the owners having a moral conflict with certain forms of birth control, and defending their right to not pay for them. There's a lot of things I have moral issues with. I don't support rodeos- so I don't give my money to them. I don't support abortion- so I don't donate to Planned Parenthood. I don't support animal abuse an exploitation- so I don't donate to PETA or HSUS. (oh, snap!) People can choose to take part in these things all they want. I will not stand in someone's way to jump in line for a rodeo ticket. I don't get in the way of people's murders abortions. I don't stop people from donating to whatever scam charity they wish. But, I want nothing to do with it and forcing me to contribute to it would be unethical. So, good for Hobby Lobby. You don't have to agree with their stance on the issue to see that they have every right to not pay for something like that.
I'm also not boycotting CostCo for their decisions to pull a book from the shelves- even a book that I probably support more than not. (I can't say for sure, I haven't read it) Why? Because that's their prerogative and if I want to read that book there's a million other places I can get it. If the owners of CostCo want to pull a product due to sales or morals, go them. I don't care. I will keep going. I will keep buying bacon.
I also have to chuckle to myself because I know most of these people are all talk. History shows that very few people ACTUALLY will inconvenience themselves or change habits just for the principle of the matter. If someone is pissed at CostCo, but it's a close, convenient store... they're not going to stop going.

Also, people suck.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in complete agreement! Costco bacon is freakin' delicious. Isn't it interesting that "the masses" who cry about their right to choose want choices taken away from anyone not agreeing with their personal platform or belief system.
