Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May Already!?

Can you believe it's May already?? So much has been going on in our lives, and it seems like time is just flying by. First order of business, we are selling our house. We are one of the few lucky people with equity right now, especially because we JUST bought last year. We have really loved living here, but we want more of a yard than we have so that we can give the pack adequate space, and still have a place for our future kids to run and play in the back yard. So, the idea is to buy for LESS than we sell for, and be able to put money away. Second, we are expecting Zailey's first litter of Great Dane puppies at the end of this month around the 25th of May. She is doing really great and will have an x-ray for a guesstimate on how many pups to expect about a week and a half before her estimated due date. We have the whelping box all set up for her, and she seems to like it so hopefully all goes well, I'm sure it will. She's kinda tired now, and has lost her waistline and looks chunky, but is in really good condition. I think she will be a great mama Dane.
Exciting news: Jon is officially just ONE YEAR away from graduating college. I mean, until he starts the Master's program, that is. But, next April he will officially be done at UVU and on the hunt to leave his job at Wal Mart for bigger and better things. We are so excited for that chapter to come to an end. Juggling so many different schedules is kind of a pain, from School, to Ruff House, to Wal Mart... it's a lot of different things to balance around and it will be nice to officially cut something out. I will really enjoy him being home and generally around more. Next week we will be taking a trip to Lake Mead with Grandma & Grandpa. We are SO excited, this will be the first time having a boat our own on a trip. Eek. I am really really disappointed that we will be missing the big family trip, because we will have one month old puppies here, but on the flip side, I know it will still be a lot of fun so we are looking forward to it anyway. Braxton will be joining us since Zailey will be 7 weeks pregnant at the time we go. I really want to make it to Powell before the end of the Summer. but we'll see if that ends up being doable, with hopefully moving and all. We are still not pregnant, and haven't moved any closer with adopting only because any time you move, there are certain parts that have to be started all over, so while we are in the process of selling and buying, we are just putting that process on a brief hold so as not to have to start all over again when we move. So, if you follow our other blog and are wondering why we haven't had any updates to it in a while- that's why. Oh, we also are getting callings at church. Considering we've lived here for over a year, I'd say it's overdue. We will be teaching a primary class. I'm actually looking forward to it. Hmm, I think that's just about it. I will try to update more regularly from now on, especially with all this super fun stuff going on this Summer. :-)